
"Danny Phantom: Recollection" is a fan comic anthology series which aims to reimagine Danny Phantom and its universe, including a mix of popular fanon (fan canon), and original concepts.

DPRC does not serve as a replacement for the original series- in fact I might end up chaning so much about it, that it'll be hardly recongizable anyway. Regardless, the IP holders maintain their copyright.

Hilda Terry

Lucas R, better known as Ghosty Peppers or GhoulishAutism online, has been drawing for as long as he can remember. Although Lucas has yet to reach major success, he has worked on several projects prior such as 'Roadkillerz', a 2000s inspired pilot. Lucas has always had an interest in late 90s/early 2000s TV animation, along with animation in general. The realm of comic/graphic novels is his second passion, having worked on comics- both of his own and as freelance woek in the past. As of writing this, Lucas is merely 21 years old, residing in Florida. As he is typing this bio in the 3rd person for some ungodly reason, he hopes to no longer be in Florida someday.